Are You Truly Living? or Just Surviving.

To me, life itself has been my biggest teacher, my practice. To truly live means to endure every heartbeat, every laugh, and especially every ache. We can become cold to the world because of our pain or we can accept, allow, and flow within the nature of reality. Life of course will have it’s ups and downs, good and bads, and we may not be able to change what happens to us, but we can change how we see it, what perceptions we create, and try to see why it happens for us.

Can you dare to accept that you don’t always need to be in control? or that you don’t always need things to be a certain way to be okay? As humans we may be instinctually built off of survival, but that doesn’t mean we need to reside there. Can you try to find at least one valuable thing in the perceived “bad?”

That’s another thing- we’ve assigned meaning about what’s good and bad based on how we expect the world to be, and if we will feel okay. Our perceptions are often rooted in the threat of our survival. Is that what you want your default operating system to be?

Living is surrendering to what is, it’s flowing, accepting, and allowing to see the bigger picture. It’s understanding there’s a lesson hidden in everything if you look, an opportunity for growth even in the lowest of circumstances. Surviving on the other hand is protecting and controlling, it’s full of fear, not trusting, being a victim, and resistant to what is.

We always have a choice available to us of how we perceive the world, no longer needing to resist the truth. There’s freedom in that — an invitation to embody authenticity of who you are here to be. To live is to be aware. To live is to be intentional, to evolve, to take responsibility for our part in whats unfolding before us. It’s your life, your perceptions. So ask yourself, are you truly living? or are you just surviving?
